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Application Configuration


This page describes the two methods for configuring UniFi Poller. It also describes most of the common configuration values and the environment variable alternative.

UniFi Poller can be configured for use in two ways:

  • Using environment variables (often used in Docker).
  • With a configuration file.
  • Both may be used simultaneously; env variables win in case of duplicate settings.

Which to use is a matter of personal choice. Environment variables have the advantage that all settings (referring to Docker) are in one place. The config file method has the advantage that UniFi Poller specific settings can be saved in the same shared Docker folder as other app's data. Normally native installs use a configuration file and Docker installations use environment variables.

An example is included in the Unpoller install folder up.xxxx.example. You can edit the file in a text editor and then rename it removing .example. To create a valid file.

The variables to be set can be split into three categories:

  1. Configuration of UniFi Poller itself.
  2. Configuration of the UniFi controller.
    • Multiple controllers are permitted for different sites.
  3. Configuration of the output databases (plugins).
    • UniFi Poller may output to both InfluxDB and Prometheus simultaneously.
    • Other outputs plugins can be created, but none exist currently.

More documentation on the configuration options is included in the example configuration file in the main Github repo. You can copy it to make your own up.conf file.

The following sections break down the various configuration options available for the three main categories mentioned previously.


The poller section begins with the [poller] header and has the parameters below. These control overall behavior of the application.

ENVconfigdefault and explanation
UP_POLLER_DEBUGdebugfalse turns on debug messages
UP_POLLER_QUIETquietfalse turns off timer messages
UP_POLLER_PLUGINS_0pluginsfile list - empty; advanced! plugin file, use _1, _2, etc to add more


quiet = true
debug = false

Docker Example:

docker run -e "UP_POLLER_DEBUG=true" -e "UP_POLLER_QUIET=false" golift/unpoller

UniFi Controller

The unifi section begins with the [unifi] header and has the following parameters:

ENVconfigdefault and explanation
UP_UNIFI_DISABLEdisablefalse turns off this input. don't do that!
UP_UNIFI_DYNAMICdynamicfalse enables dynamic lookups (from prometheus)
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_ROLEunifi.defaults.roleURL allows grouping controllers
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_URLunifi.defaults.url"" only applies if no controllers are defined (next section)
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_USERunifi.defaults.user"unifipoller" default applies to any controller without a username
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_PASSunifi.defaults.pass"" default applies to any controller without a password
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_SAVE_IDSunifi.defaults.save_idsfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_SAVE_EVENTSunifi.defaults.save_eventsfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki, added in v2.0.2
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_SAVE_ALARMSunifi.defaults.save_alarmsfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki, added in v2.0.2
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_SAVE_ANOMALIESunifi.defaults.save_anomaliesfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki, added in v2.0.2
UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSLunifi.defaults.verify_sslfalse["all"] specify more sites with _1, _2, etc.


When configuring make sure that you do not include :8443 on the url of the controller if you are using unifios. Those are: UDM Pro, UDM, UXG, or CloudKey with recent firmware.

Most unifi configuration will look like this:

url = ""
user = "unifipoller"
pass = "unifip4assw0rd"
save_sites = true
save_ids = false
save_events = false
save_alarms = false
save_dpi = false
sites = [ "default" ]

Same example, but for Docker:

docker run
-e "UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_PASS=unifip4assw0rd" \
-e "UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_SITE_0=default" \

Multiple Controllers

You can configure a single controller by setting the UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT variables above, but you can also configure a single, or multiple controllers by setting the variables below.


If you only have one controller, use the default variables described above.

Do not use the variables described below, if you only have 1 controller.

You may repeat the [[unifi.controller]] section as many times as you want to add more controllers. If you're configuring controllers using env variables, start at _0 and change _0 to _1 to add a second, then _2 and so on.

Like any configured list, you may configure controllers with a file or env vars, or both.

ENVconfigdefault and explanation
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_ROLEunifi.controller.roleURL allows grouping controllers, default applies to any controller without a role
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_SAVE_SITESunifi.controller.save_sitestrue Powers Network Sites dashboard
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_SAVE_IDSunifi.controller.save_idsfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_SAVE_EVENTSunifi.controller.save_eventsfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki, added in v2.0.2
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_SAVE_ALARMSunifi.controller.save_alarmsfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki, added in v2.0.2
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_SAVE_ANOMALIESunifi.controller.save_anomaliesfalse Only works with InfluxDB / Loki, added in v2.0.2
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_SAVE_DPIunifi.controller.save_dpifalse Powers DPI dashboard
UP_UNIFI_CONTROLLER_0_VERIFY_SSLunifi.controller.verify_sslfalse Verify controller SSL certificate["all"] specify more sites with _1, _2, etc

Output Plugins


This section begins with [prometheus] and configures an HTTP listener where a scrape daemon, such as Prometheus or InfluxDB 2.0 may obtain metrics. See the Prometheus page for Prometheus configuration instructions.

While Prometheus provides some configuration parameters, you shouldn't change them. If you don't use Prometheus, set disable to true.

ENVconfigdefault and explanation

The Prometheus page has a full explanation of how to configure Poller.


This section begins with [influxdb] and configures a single InfluxDB write destination.

ENVconfigdefault and explanation
UP_INFLUXDB_URLinfluxdb.url"" influxdb URL
UP_INFLUXDB_DBinfluxdb.db"unifi" name of database you created in influx
UP_INFLUXDB_USERinfluxdb.user"unifipoller" username with access to database
UP_INFLUXDB_PASSinfluxdb.pass"unifipoller" password for username
UP_INFLUXDB_INTERVALinfluxdb.interval"30s" how often to poll and collect metrics, ie "1m" or "90s"

InfluxDB is very easy to use with UniFi Poller, and it's recommend if this whole metrics ecosystem is new to you. All you do is add a small configuration like you see below and poller sends all your glorious data into the database.

url = ""
db = "unifi"

Using Docker it may look like this:

docker run
-e "UP_INFLUXDB_DB=unifi" \
-e "UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_PASS=unifipassw0rd"