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This page assumes that you have decided to start Unpoller with Docker using the command line.


Make sure you have set up a user on your controller for Unpoller to poll. You must have a working (and supported) version of Grafana and at least one of InfluxDB or Prometheus. If you don't have them, follow these instructions for installing InfluxDB and Grafana.

Pull the Image

First pull the image from Docker Hub using

docker pull

Details of tags available are described in Docker - FAQ.

Container Configuration

Unpoller's Docker container can be configured in two ways:

  1. Using environment variables.
  2. Using a configuration file.

There is a detailed description of the configuration parameters on the Application Configuration page. A decision should be made which method of configuration to use. Both are explained below.


When configuring make sure that you do not include :8443 on the url of the controller if you are using unifios. Those are: UDM Pro, UDM, UXG, or CloudKey with recent firmware.

Using Environment Variables

If you are using the command line and have decided to use environment variables then start the container using the following command (and pass in other environment variables you wish to).

docker run -e UP_UNIFI_DEFAULT_PASS="your-secret-pasword"

Using Configuration File

If you choose to use a configuration file:

  • Copy this example config file
  • Edit it as necessary (in particular ensure that the [unifi]/user and pass variables are set)
  • Save it as unpoller.conf in the local location you use for Docker storage.

Start the container by running:

docker run -v /your-local-location/unpoller.conf:/etc/unpoller/up.conf

Make sure that UniFi Poller is actively writing to the database before going any further.

In both cases, if all has worked, then you should start seeing lines like this:

[INFO] UniFi Metrics Recorded. Sites: 1, Clients: 67, UAP: 6, USG/UDM: 1, USW: 5, IDS Events: 0, Points: 1837, Fields: 11307, Errs: 0, Elapsed: 599ms

If you don't see these lines then look for errors and double-check your work. If you do then you can stop the container, and then start it again in daemon mode by adding the -d flag.

Next Steps

  1. Install Grafana and Plugins.
  2. Finish Setting-up Grafana.